English Speaking has become a very important part of our day-to-day life along with the professional career growth
As a part of our education system, many people usually get their education in regional language. Sometimes it happens that many people can read and write in English, but when it comes to English speaking, they get on the back foot.
Once young students get graduated from college and dream of their bright future, it becomes very important to be able to communicate in the English Language. English speaking has become a mandatory prerequisite of corporate life because of globalization.
You want to know why it is so much important to be able to speak English, then please read this blog post till the end.
Almost every country has its own native language. Though that language is being spoken within the country English has become the global language.
The benefits of being fluent in English speaking, writing, and reading are endless.
Table of Contents
Why Spoken English is important in education?
Many students after their graduation dream of post-graduation in foreign countries.
Foreign universities have English proficiency tests like IELTS, TOFEL as one of the important scrutiny criteria.
Proficiency tests like IELTS, TOFEL checks your English reading, writing, and speaking skills before considering your admissions for the universities.
If students are not proficient in English, then it becomes a bottleneck for them.
English is the language of teaching in these foreign universities, so unless you are proficient in the English language, you cannot dream of foreign education.
Why English speaking is important in the workplace?
Good English is one of the most important factors to be successful in work.
If you’re still not sure why English is so important to be successful in the career and the corporate world, think about the work culture change post-covid-19, as a part of the workforce people need to communicate with their co-works across the globe.
This can not be done unless you are proficient in English speaking.
As you grow in your career in the corporate world, communication becomes one of the most important criteria for your success.
You can not move upward in the corporate ladder unless you have very fluent English communication.
In case you want to go for a career in sales and marketing then you need to handle customers across the globe, how it can be done without fluent English communication.
So, you must understand that English is the most widely used language for communication in the world. You must learn it which will make you effectively communicate with other people.
Whether you want to appear for the first interview after your college or want to explore new career opportunities, being able to speak in English and communicate your thoughts effectively is a must.
10 Benefits of good English communication at the workplace
• It helps you to perform beyond your day-to-day activity as a part of your job.
• It makes you communicate effectively with your subordinates, colleagues, and superiors.
• It will enable you to adequately express and represent yourself and your organization in front of an audience, customers.
• It will help you develop high-end interpersonal and networking skills.
• It will give you confidence while delivering presentations and speeches within an organization or to the outside audience.
• Good English communication is very important in your personal as well as professional life. Fluent English speaking helps you get that first impression, be it at a job interview or a business event.
• English speaking is a must if you travel to a different country for work or working at an international company.
• good English communication makes you free out of all boundaries, you can work in any sector, you can travel to any country.
• English language makes you free of all communication barriers across the globe
Fluent English communication helps you grow in your career, become a leader at workplace, and go up in the corporate ladder
Why English Communication is important in technology?
In the last 30 years technology has changed drastically, and in the development of this technology English language plays a very crucial role.
Silicon Valley is in America, so for anybody who is dreaming to work in big IT MNC’s in America than having good English communication is a must.
The same is the case with other sectors of technology. It could be the automotive sector, pharmaceutical sector, Healthcare sector. You cannot survive in any of the sectors without good English communication.
Besides being the language of business and communication worldwide, English is also the common language of the internet and overall modern world culture.
Whether you are at the tech-savvy workspace or in the film and documentation division, you will have to deal with write-ups, videos, or audio clips throughout the day.
So the importance of English in the world has touched almost all areas of business, from trade, e-commerce to graphic designing.
One of the best ways to ensure having perfect English is to broaden your horizons, get yourself surrounded by English-speaking people.
So you will also be forced to speak in English and eventually, it will help you to improvise your English communication skills
Importance of English in the office
In the corporate world or even in any office of another sector, communicating with strangers is part of day-to-day responsibilities.
Good English communication can allow you to be more confident during cross-cultural communication.
English communication is very important for leadership positions.
How can you enhance your English communication skills?
If you have reached until here in the blog, it proves that you have basic English reading skills required so you don’t need to acquire the same.
You’re clearly good with the English language itself.
However, when it comes to English speaking, you yourself must be aware of the level of the English-speaking skill in you.
Once you enter the professional world, it helps you to have a higher level of command over English fluency.
So, here are the top 3 easy tips that will help you improve your English-speaking skills
Read English books
Reading English books will get you to familiarise yourself with new words and the different ways of looking at the English language. It will help you increase your vocabulary; it will also help you improve your English grammar.
Watch some good English TV or Hollywood films
Watching English TV or films will help you understand the pronunciations of different words and slang. You can practice these pronunciations for the practice purpose
Make a note of the unknown words you read and start using them
When you come across new English words, try to incorporate those words in your day-to-day conversations. However, make sure that you are using it correctly and naturally
Practice with some English language apps
There are several apps available to practice English such as Duolingo, Speaky, Lingo Blabla, etc.
These apps will help you develop your English-speaking skills. Just practice for a few minutes every day on these apps and you will see the difference over a period.
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